The creators of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia have often said that the purest Sunny scenes in the show are the ones where the Gang are sitting across the desk from a normal person who is watching in horror as they babble away. I am amazed and amused at the dozens, maybe hundreds of characters who have been exposed to the Gang and, after watching in horror as they descend further and further into depravity, chose to call either the police or security. My all-time favourite is the Swim Pool Manager played by Regan Burns in “Mac And Charlie: White Trash”, because of all the people who’ve been between the Gang and what they want, he’s the one with the clearest journey. He starts out earnestly trying to help the Gang with their swimming problems and genuinely sorry that he can’t be the one to serve their needs, and the process of the Gang being the Gang gradually drives him out of his mind. The sincerity crosses over to sincere confusion that none of them can seem to hear or understand the phrase ‘at capacity’ or that the situation is nobody’s fault. Each scene, he’s a little more frustrated and a little more expressive and it just keeps getting funnier and funnier.
What are your own favourite Always Sunny foils?