Man, aren’t these immediately post-Christmas weeks supposed to be completely dire? Last year, at this time, all we got was the movie with Tugboat Maguire being an anti-Semitic chess player, but now? There’s still very little, but this may honestly be one of the better selection of new titles I’ve seen this year. We have some quality documentaries out this week, including A24’s doc on Oasis, Kent Jones’ look at the making of Hitchcock/Truffaut, and season 2 of 30 for 30. And some or the new feature films out aren’t half bad (although I’ve heard that Rob Zombie’s latest, 31, is four-fifths bad or worse). I’ve heard that Storks is reasonably entertaining, that The Magnificent Seven at least doesn’t make you want to blind yourself, and that Sully is either an understated masterpiece or duller than a dog’s ass. Catalog titles are remarkably scant, although Arrow at least finally gives us ugly Americans their lavish box set for the first three Hellraiser movies.
30 for 30: Season 2 (ESPN)
31 (Lionsgate)
Dolly Parton’s Christmas of Many Colors: Circle of Love (Warner Archive Collection)
Hellraiser: The Scarlet Box (Arrow)
Hitchcock/Truffaut (Universal)
The Magnificent Seven (Sony)
Oasis: Supersonic (Lionsgate)
Storks (Warner)
Sully (Warner)