Shout Factory’s doing the lord’s work this week, first with a new 4K restoration and package of special features for Glengarry Glen Ross, an ever-timely watch when being bombarded with reminders of how little capitalism cares about the people operating it. But bigger still is the third part of their ongoing efforts to get every Satoshi Kon work on Blu-Ray, with Tokyo Godfathers. Godfathers was never quite as maddeningly unavailable as Perfect Blue or Millennium Actress, but this 4K restoration was still much-needed for a filmmaker of such visual detail as Kon. Elsewhere, the double-dipping of Parasite begins, this week with a 4K Blu-Ray and eventually with a Criterion release. Though it seems like nothing coming the same week as one of the kings of double-dipping, Jaws, this time in a 4K release that will be the definitive one until whatever home video format comes next. Meanwhile, Kino is putting out a movie that was honest-to-god never released on DVD, the landmark documentary about drag culture The Queen. Funny that companies can do that.
Al Adamson: The Masterpiece Collection (Severin)
America as Seen by a Frenchman (Arrow)
Beanpole (Kino)
Glengarry Glen Ross (Shout Factory)
Jaws 4K (Universal)
Let’s Kill Uncle (Kino)
The Mechanic (Scorpion)
One Cut of the Dead (RLJ)
Parasite 4K (Universal)
The Queen (Kino)
The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh (Severin)
Tokyo Godfathers (Shout Factory)
Urban Cowboy (Paramount)
Valhalla Rising (IFC)
Watchmen (HBO)