In what I’m sure is a fine consolation prize for being on the verge of nonexistence, Fox wins home video releases this week. They have out Steve McQueen’s Widows and Jacques Audiard’s The Sisters Brothers, two fine films from last year that were forgotten come Oscar time. Admittedly, even if Sisters Brothers wasn’t pretty poorly-handled by Annapurna, I doubt it would’ve been an easy sell for Academy, but Widows‘ performance is actively disappointing. I’ve heard complaints about it being too self-serious for a genre work, but it’s not much different than a later season of The Shield; it’s got the serious political b-plot (complete with Colin Farrell as Aceveda), but the a-plot is a crackling good crime movie on any merits (featuring a star-is-born performance from Elizabeth Debicki).
Other than those? It’s a pretty weak slate. Sony does some good work with catalog titles, releasing John Singleton’s two follow-ups to Boyz in the Hood, perhaps as an apology for also releasing The Girl in the Spider’s Web. Criterion continues to make its Bergman titles available separate of the mammoth box set, this time with Shame. Paramount, meanwhile, makes The Cloverfield Paradox available separate of its spot on Netflix, for those whose completist tendencies border on masochism.
Charly Kino
The Cloverfield Paradox Paramount
A Countess from Hong Kong Universal
The Deuce: The Complete Second Season HBO
Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch Universal
The Girl in the Spider’s Web Sony
Higher Learning Sony
In Good Company Universal
Poetic Justice Sony
The Possessed (Arrow)
A Private War Universal
Shame (Criterion)
The Sisters Brothers (Fox)
Widows (Fox)