Click here to see what’s behind some of these covers!
Matt Baker
Janice Valleau
Al Fagaly
C. C. Beck
Alex Schomburg
Morris Weiss
Milton Caniff Studio
Mort Leav
George Marcoux
Win Mortimer
Will Eisner and Jerry Grandenetti
Will Eisner and Jerry Grandenetti
Will Eisner and Jerry Grandenetti
Will Eisner and Jerry Grandenetti
Will Eisner and Jerry Grandenetti
Ernie Bushmiller Studio
Jack Cole
Charles Coll
Harry Peter
Paul Gattuso
…I love ya, tomorrow! You’re always a day away! (Art by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon)
Jack Cole
Al Bryant
Sheldon Mayer
Howie Post
Milt Gross
Bud Thompson
Jack Binder
Pete Costanza
Miranda Sings? (Art by John Stanley and Irving Tripp)
Olive Bailey
Joe Doolin
Leo Bachle
Ed Winiarski and Christopher Rule
Ken Hultgren
Howard Purcell
Otto Feuer
Lee Elias, Joe Kubert, and Jack Adler
Carl Buettner
Jack Burnley and Charles Paris
Martin Naydel
Charlie Tomsey
A good gynecologist oughta clear that right up. (Art by C. C. Beck)
Boody Rogers
Dan Noonan and Walt Kelly
Irwin Hasen
Lee Elias
That was an original Monet, you asshole! (Art by Irwin Hasen and Jack Adler)
John Sikela and Jack Adler
Charles M. Quinlan