Steven Spielberg’s upcoming espionage drama Bridge of Spies boasts a strong cast including Hollywood icon Tom Hanks, living legend Alan Alda, and Shakespearean powerhouse Mark Rylance.
It does NOT however, seem to star Kevin Spacey, James Caan, or Ed Asner.
You heard it here first, people. Despite what some film news sites — as well as Wikipedia and the Huffington Post — may have led you believe, Asner, Caan, and Spacey do not feature in the trailer that was released today. Their names are not on the official poster. Unlike Amy Ryan or Billy Magnussen (two actors with much lower profiles), there were no press releases announcing that they had join the cast. There is no reason to believe that those three actors are in this movie.
I’m not exactly sure how this happened, or where the rumor began. The oldest source on the web that I can find is the film’s Wikipedia article, edited on June 3rd to add the three actors (without citation) as playing “Nicholas Hope, a lawyer,” at three separate ages. Yet I can find no other mention of anyone named Nicholas Hope related to the film or the real life events it was based on.
From there, it would seem that various film journalists seem to draw from Wikipedia to furnish their cast lists, even though the provenance of such information was highly dubious.
This has been a revealing look at how in the chase to be the “most up to date,” doubtful rumors and non-sequiturs can find their way into people’s entertainment news.