I took last week off this feature, but I promised to be back now and here I am… covering maybe an even worse home video week than last week. Ah well, at least we have really solid catalog release. That would be Sony’s Best Buy-exclusive rerelease of Cameron Crowe’s Jerry Maguire, with a much-improved 4K transfer, a new documentary on the film, an extensive collection of never-before-seen deleted scenes, the film’s soundtrack, and all the old DVD features. Also, you get to own Jerry Maguire, which is a terrific movie from a half-terrific filmmaker (that other half, though…). There’s also some scattered Kino releases (including one about Elliott Gould getting in a car accident and getting metal implants to save his life, which hell yeah) and a very timely release of Mariah Carey’s other low point this millennium. Other than that, the main titles this week are new releases, and not particularly strong ones either. The latest from Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett (The Guest, You’re Next), I’ve seen people defend Blair Witch (and I’m a bit intrigued by the descriptions I’ve seen of the film’s playing with time), but the consensus makes it sound like a pretty generic, jump scare-heavy horror throwaway. Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life, meanwhile, is apparently just the kind of obnoxious children’s entertainment you’d expect, with the added demerits of horribly wasting Andy Daly as a stock mean principal (who presumably isn’t defeated at the end by being forced to eat an upsetting number of pancakes) and having Nicholas Sparks/Sea of Trees-level twists. And while a time when it’s practically encouraged to be a neo-Nazi would seem to be the best time to make a movie about Holocaust denial, Denial does not seem to be the best film that could’ve been made on the subject (that would seem to be Errol Morris’s Mr. Death).
Blair Witch (Lionsgate)
Denial (Universal)
Girls: The Complete Fifth Season (HBO)
Glitter (Mill Creek)
Gone in 60 Seconds (Mill Creek)
The Internecine Project (Kino)
Jerry Maguire (Sony)
Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life (Lionsgate)
Stryker (Kino)
Who? (Kino)